
2 Года Гарантии

Продукция PRO TEC CSS отличается высочайшим качеством используемых компонентов, что подтверждается наличием соответствующих сертификатов и дает нам возможность предоставлять нашим Покупателям 2-летнюю гарантию на все наши продукты. Наша продукция поставляется производителям фаркопов, а также установщикам и дистрибьюторам автозапчастей. Высокое качество и безотказность работы производимой нами продукции ценятся не только в странах Евросоюза, но и за его пределами.


nроекты ЕС

Smart Growth Operational Programme for 2014-2020


Albert Marczak

informs about the execution of the project no. POIR.03.03.03-14-0017/18: «Increase in the competitiveness of PRO TEC CAR SECURITY SYSTEM through the implementation of promotional activities on international markets»

co-financed by

European Regional Development Fund
within the scope of

Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis III Support for innovation in enterprises Measure 3.3 Support for promotion and internationalisation of innovative enterprises Sub-measure 3.3.3 Support for SMEs in the promotion of Polish product brands – Go to Brand,
The total value of the project is 442,500.00 PLN, including the financing from the European Regional Development Fund in the amount of 354,000.00 PLN.

Project objective:

International promotion of the PRO TEC CAR SECURITY SYSTEM brand and the introduction of innovative products offered by PRO TEC CAR SECURITY SYSTEM to foreign markets. As part of the project, PRO TEC CAR SECURITY SYSTEM participates in international automotive trade fairs and economic missions, as well as carries out various informational and promotional activities.



Albert Marczak

informs about the execution of the project:
Implementing innovation in Europe through closer cooperation between universities and SMEs
Co-financed by Erasmus +Erasmus Plus KA2 Cooperation for innovation and good practices

Project number: 588071-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-EPPKA2-KA
Project subsidized from European Funds 34,085.00 EUR

Project co-financed by Erasmus + (Erasmus Plus KA2 Cooperation for innovation and good practices).
The objective of the GIENAHS project is to improve the strategic issue of interaction (cooperation) between universities and specific SMEs which are the real force for growth behind the European economy but still face serious difficulties in managing R&D processes. Innovation is increasingly more and more important in our economy, both for citizens, perceived as employees or consumers, and for businesses, because of its contribution to speeding up and improving the creation of new products and services. GIENAHS is meant to indirectly help to accelerate the implementation of innovations to the market.

The main objectives of the project:

* Exchange of best practices between universities and SMEs at the EU level;
* Determination of the EU standard for cooperation between universities and SMEs in order to improve territorial competitiveness by co-creating knowledge and innovation;
* Definition of a new SME-oriented doctorate pathway which addresses the specific needs of the European SMEs and enables the integration of different cultural approaches to R&D across the EU;
* Proposition for the harmonisation of industrial/technical scientific disciplines in Europe to facilitate the mobility of scientists;
* Creation of a stable advisory institution capable of creating fruitful cooperation between SMEs, universities and researchers, multiplying the attractiveness of opportunities
* to employ doctors in the European SMEs focused on new technologies and new products.
The coordinator of the project is the CSEI University in Italy, which partner in the project is our company PRO TEC CAR SECURITY SYSTEM.



Regional Operational Programme Of The Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020


Albert Marczak

informs about the execution of the project no. RPMA.01.02.00-14-7396/16

«Research into the development of an eco-friendly commercial vehicle with an innovative drive system»

co-financed by
European Regional Development Fund
within the scope of

Regional Operational Programme Of The Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020 (RPO WM 2014-2020), Priority Axis I: Use of research and development activity in economy, Measure 1.2 Enterprise research and develop-ment activity.

The total value of the project is 119,371.50 PLN, including the financing from the European Regional Devel-opment Fund in the amount of 74,631.45 PLN.

Short description of the project:
The objective of the project is to develop a concept and analysis of the possibility of creating a modern drive system dedicated to an electric delivery van with an extended driving range.
The final result of the project will be a report with analyses and the results of research on an innovative drive system.


This Project was carried out in cooperation with the Multisource Propulsion Systems at Warsaw University of Technology

Proceedings concerning the selection of Contractors for the implementation of Project No. RPMA.01.02.00-14-7396/16 within the Regional Operational Programme Of The Ma-zowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020

Priority Axis I: Use of research and development activity of enterprises — project type: Innovation vouchers.

«Research into the development of an eco-friendly commercial vehicle with an innovative drive system»

Request for proposal for the implementation of the research and development service



PRO TEC CAR SECURITY SYSTEM принимает участие в реализации проектов Евросоюза, целью которых является внедрение инновационных технологий, продвижение Малых и Средних Предприятий на международных рынках, а также развитие инновационных решений путем расширения сотрудничества между высшими научными учреждениями и производителями.

Homologacja UniKIT 1L
Homologacja UniKIT P
Homologacja UniKIT G


PRO TEC Car Security System Альберт Марчак

Адрес: Graniczna 1 05-124 Janówek Pierwszy, Skrzeszew, Poland

Дополнительный адрес: Międzynarodowa 61/2 03-922 Warszawa, Polska phone: +48 22 435 88 04 NIP: 1132005503 VAT UE: PL1132005503

Номер счета PLN: Santander Bank Polska S.A. 47 1090 1056 0000 0001 1984 0662 CODE SWIF/BIC WBKPPLPP

Номер счета EUR: Santander Bank Polska S.A. IBAN PL71109010560000000134535051 CODE SWIF/BIC WBKPPLPP

Отдел Продаж: Тел: +48 22 435 88 04 Моб.тел: +48 881 214 810 E-mail: info@proteccss.pl

Технический Отдел: Моб.тел: +48 723 722 555 E-mail: technic@proteccss.pl

Персональные данные: Моб.тел: +48 507 081 501 E-mail: daneosobowe@proteccss.pl

Координаты GPS: Географическая широта(N): (N): 52.425043 Географическая долгота(E): (E): 20.762364